Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here are some questions families commonly have about applying to and attending Epsilon Camp. If you would like a very detailed overview of camp, you can find a copy of our 2023 Planning Guide here. Please note that policies and procedures may change from year to year.


My child is very able at mathematics, but not truly passionate. Is the camp suitable?

Most Epsilon campers have a wide variety of passions and interests. However, we do assume that they are highly interested in mathematical material. Therefore, we push quickly into the material. This could be a frustrating environment for someone who is not excited by mathematics.

How can I help create or develop a love of mathematics in my child?

Helping someone develop a love of a subject is tricky, as it has to come from within. Introducing the right materials into their environment can help your child pick things up and develop their own passion. Some great options to introduce are the videos of Vi Hart, the books of Martin Gardner, or a visit to a local math circle. Construction activities such as Legos, origami, and the amazing Zometool can also be exciting to many.

We have also assembled a substantial list of recommended books, games, and gadgets.

How can I tell if my child's mathematical background and interest is strong enough for the camp?

We encourage you to submit an Application Inquiry Form and to work with the problems found on the Epsilon Camp Readiness Assessment and in the Epsilon Camp Exploration Problems (included with the application materials we will send to you upon receipt of your Admissions Inquiry Form). This will help you identify if your child is engaged in and excited by the mathematical concepts presented. Being able to make progress with the material and showing interest in wanting to know "why" is a great indication that the camp might be suitable. Remember that campers who will not yet be age 9 at camp are not expected to know algebra. A list of specific skills expected of Epsilon Campers can be found here.

How are the readiness assessment and exploration problems administered?

Students complete the readiness assessment and exploration problems at home, and then parents scan in the documents and upload to our application system. We do not expect applicants to be able to complete all problems perfectly. Their performance on these helps us understand their ability level for basic mathematical concepts, as well as their creativity and innovative thinking in mathematics.

In which academic program will my child be placed?

Campers who will be age 7–8 during Epsilon Camp will be placed in the Pythagoras level. New campers who will be age 9-10 during Epsilon Camp will be placed in Year 1, the Euclid level; campers who have previously participated in the Pythagoras level, if ready, are eligible to attend the Euclid level once they are 9 years old. After their Euclid year, campers age 9–10 who are invited to return are then placed in Year 2, the Gauss level. The following year, if again invited to return, campers are placed in Year 3, the Conway level. A sample curriculum for each level can be found here.

Epsilon Camp exposes children to concepts not available in a standard K-12 math curriculum. The core philosophy of our academic programs is to help develop the campers' love and understanding of mathematics.

The material we use is selected due to its accessibility for this age group, but also connects directly to many areas of current research interest. Aspects of these elementary (see [1] below) topics reward slow, deep study, and systems like the prime numbers are still mystifying mathematicians after thousands of years of research (see [2] below). The material presented in each classroom might not be encountered again until university.

[1] The term elementary has a technical meaning to mathematics. It implies that the work only uses the most basic tools and not the full powerful toolkit of modern mathematics. It does not imply that the work is simpler or easier. In fact, paradoxically, an elementary result can often be more difficult than the corresponding one using more advanced techniques.

[2] Just in 2013, Yitang Zhang stunned the mathematics world with his progress on a simple question about the primes that goes back to antiquity.

Student Life

What kind of supervision does Epsilon Camp provide?

Each camper group has a dedicated counselor who provides supervision and support during instructional time. A detailed daily schedule will be included in the camp planning guide sent with registration and deposit information.

What is the daily schedule like? How much time do campers spend with their families?

A sample schedule can be found here.

Can students exercise or participate in sports?

Campers have plenty of physical activity during classroom and afternoon breaks, and in the evening. Parents often organize games of soccer, ultimate frisbee and touch football in the evenings.

What if my child becomes ill?

Please ensure that your camper and all attendees have medical insurance valid in the United States.

Can our family attend Epsilon Camp for just one week?

Epsilon Camp is a two-week program every year. All students are expected to attend camp for the full two weeks.

Is Epsilon Camp always held at the same location?

Epsilon Camp’s location varies from year to year. It has been held in Colorado, Missouri, Washington and Utah in the past.

Can Epsilon Camp accommodate students with special needs?

The university campus is accessible to mobility-disabled students in the same manner as most current college campuses. Check with us about available arrangements for other special needs.

Family Life

Who attends with the student?

At least one parent/guardian must be in residence with their camper at all times. Although we prefer a parent/guardian to accompany the student, exceptions can be made for work-related commitments or exigencies, in which event a close relative may substitute for a parent. All adults accompanying the student are invited to attend the parent workshops at no additional cost. These sessions focus on emotional and social support and educational planning for highly gifted young people.

Can family members visit?

Family members are welcome to visit. All visitors need to complete the online registration process, so we know who is on campus with our group. If there is room in your suite, they may stay on campus. Off-campus family members are welcome to dine on campus by paying at the door.

Can parents bring along siblings, and what can the siblings do during the day?

Yes, siblings may accompany the parent/guardian to camp. Parents may work together to find suitable local childcare through or other resources. Older children may be enrolled in other camps operating on the same campus or elsewhere in the area. Epsilon Camp recommends identifying and enrolling in these camps as early as possible, since they can fill up as early as February.

Room & Board

What living accommodations are available?

All families stay on campus for Epsilon Camp. Details on housing can be found here.

What about meals?

All attendees purchase a meal plan at the university-run dining hall. Details on cost can be found here.

Are there vegetarian, gluten-free, and nut-free dining options?

At each meal there are multiple entrée choices including nut-free, vegetarian and gluten-free options. Eating a varied vegetarian, dairy-free, gluten-free, or strictly vegan diet for each meal is made easy with the detailed food labeling in the university-run dining hall. In the weeks leading up to camp, you will be asked to specify food allergies so we can inform the dining hall prior to your arrival.


How much does it cost to attend Epsilon Camp?

See the Cost page for a detailed cost breakdown. Please plan for the following costs:

  • Tuition

  • Room and board for each attendee

  • Travel to and from camp

  • Cost of visiting attractions in the area (optional)

  • Car rental (optional; most families opt not to rent a car)

Is financial aid available?

Financial aid is available. For more information visit our Financial Aid page.