Camp Is for You Too!
Epsilon Camp tuition includes a Parent Program designed to support parents in nurturing mathematical and social growth in their exceptionally gifted children. Morning and afternoon workshops feature a range of speakers including Epsilon Camp faculty, giving a glimpse of camp curriculum. Other topics include educational planning options and strategies, as well as subjects suggested by parents.
Parents are welcome to work remotely during the sessions. Wi-fi coverage is strong, and there are several comfortable seating areas where parents can work while still participating, or step out to make phone calls when necessary.
The overall camp experience is a wonderful way for parents of profoundly gifted children to connect with other families who have faced similar joys and challenges in parenting and finding appropriate educational opportunities for their children. Many lifelong friendships are formed between parents at Epsilon Camp.
“I appreciated how well the knowledge base and experiences of the parent body were integrated into the parent program . . . so that parents were able to share their expertise and experiences with each other. I really value much of what I learned from others this year . . . the professor talks, parent discussions, outside experts, etc. . . . I never regretted attending a session.”