2024 COVID-19 Planning

Last Updated 2/7/2024

As we plan for our third in-person camp since the start of the pandemic, the health and safety of the Epsilon Camp community continues to be our top priority. In consultation with Miami University, we are developing our 2024 COVID-19 protocols to adhere to the public health guidance at the federal, state, and local levels, while taking into account the particular needs of families participating in our program. Please note that while the federal COVID-19 PHE declaration ended on May 11, 2023, the CDC has not yet changed its recommendations on isolation and post-exposure testing. We will continue to take necessary precautions to minimize COVID-19 outbreaks and possible disruptions to our summer programming. 

The information on this page is intended as a general guide to our COVID-19 planning, and the aspects of preparing for camp that we aim to address. Because camp is still several months away, many of the details and specifics cannot be finalized at this time. However, we hope that the information on this page is helpful to families as they start planning their stay with us at Epsilon Camp. Please watch this page for updates as we get closer to the weeks leading up to camp.


We strongly recommend that all Epsilon Camp participants - staff, faculty, campers, and family members attending camp - be up to date with their COVID-19 vaccinations, including any boosters recommended by the CDC at the time of camp.


Face masks may be utilized as one of the tools available to us in preventing the spread of COVID-19. We will not have a masking requirement in place at the start of camp; however, we reserve the right to ask individual participants to wear masks and/or institute a camp-wide indoor masking requirement at any point during camp, if we deem it necessary in order to contain the spread of COVID-19.

Testing and Screening

We reserve the right to require testing of Epsilon Camp participants prior to attendance of camp or at any point during camp. The frequency of such testing will depend on various factors, including local, regional, and national COVID-19 trends, as well as presence of active COVID-19 cases on campus and among Epsilon Camp participants.

Families should expect to test prior to initiating travel to Epsilon Camp. Any subsequent testing requirements, as well as more details regarding testing expectations and protocols, will be provided closer to the start of camp.

In addition to testing, other screening methods, such as temperature checks, may be performed on Epsilon Camp attendees on an as-needed basis.


We will continue to offer a shared housing option for families that wish to share an apartment. Families that choose this option will benefit from a reduced lodging cost; some families also enjoy sharing for social reasons. Please be aware, however, that sharing lodging with another family may carry an added risk of exposure to COVID-19 from people outside of your family group.  


In the event that an Epsilon Camp participant tests positive for COVID-19, (s)he will be required to isolate in accordance with current guidelines from the CDC, the Ohio Department of Health, any local ordinances, and Miami University policies. Our isolation protocols will be tailored to our particular situation - namely, parents and children attending camp together. Note that these protocols may include relocation of isolating individuals or families to other apartments or dorms on campus.

An Epsilon Camp attendee who tests positive for COVID-19 may choose to leave camp if (s)he does not wish to isolate on campus, if (s)he can do so while adhering to all relevant public safety guidelines, including limitations on travel. No reimbursements for lodging or meals will be made in this situation, per the lodging/meal refund policy stated in our Payment Agreement.

Remote Participation

We are committed to running a full-featured residential program in 2024, and will make every effort to hold all classes and other activities in person. However, we also recognize the possibility that campers and/or faculty may need or want to participate remotely in the event that they are placed into isolation. Therefore, we plan to provide an option for campers to listen in to their classes remotely during their isolation period. Note that such remote participation will be limited in scope; it is not meant to replace the interactive in-person classroom experience. Other camp activities, such as math stations, will not have a remote option. 

As in years past, our Parent Program will feature a mix of in-person speakers (such as the Epsilon Camp faculty), remote speakers, and parent discussions. Whenever possible, we will share slides, session notes, Zoom webinar recordings, and any other resources collected during these sessions with any parents who are unable to attend in person.

Respecting Individual Choices and Preferences

We recognize that there will be differences in risk assessment and risk tolerance among families attending Epsilon Camp this summer. We ask that all Epsilon Camp participants act with consideration and respect for those whose tolerances may be different from theirs.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of the guidelines outlined on this page, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We are committed to making Epsilon Camp a safe, fun, and fulfilling experience for our campers and families, and will work with you to address any issues you may have.